jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

Learning by doing, a project management challenge, not only for kids

As Sara Gallagher wrote: "We should focus on something that will actually prepare our kids for a career—specifically, the ability to perform self-directed learning and problem-solving. In the “real world,” we call that project management. Once relegated to the nerdy world of IT, a recent survey showed that 80% of global executives believe that project management as a core competency helped them remain during the recession. That’s because project management, at its core, is the art of doing things that have never been done before" "PBL (project-based learning) which allows students to learn by doing open-ended projects aimed at solving real community problems. In the PBL classroom, the teacher is more of a facilitator and the learning is driven mostly by student curiosity. The proof is in the pudding: PBL classrooms report higher levels of critical thinking, higher long-term retention of knowledge, higher desire to learn, and more advanced skill development than peers in traditional classrooms". I'd say it we the adults should relearnt and take the same approach in our current lives. You can read the complet Sara Gallagher article at: http://goo.gl/C9HSwO

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